Official Volleyball Box Score

Dillard vs. West Va. Tech

8/20/2021 at 10 am
@ Brunswick, Ga. (Coffin Gym)
Dillard 1-0
West Va. Tech 0-1
Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Dillard (1-0) 25 25 21 25 3
West Va. Tech (0-1) 14 19 25 13 1
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  GOLDENB starters: Co Maldonado Rivera; Ariana Gentzler; Emma Leach; Hanna Payne; Ana Muņiz Rocandio; Samantha Price; libero Valentina Abondano.  
  DILLARD starters: Mya Singleton; Taylor Hurst; Kennede Jones; Jada O'Mally; Bianca Ihetu; Codi Fillmore; libero Chloe Young.  
[Chloe Young] Bad set by Taylor Hurst. Point GOLDENB 0-1
1-1 [Emma Leach] Bad set by Valentina Abondano. Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Demari Drake; Mya Singleton.  
[Codi Fillmore] Service error. Point GOLDENB 1-2
  GOLDENB subs: Abigail Gregory; Samantha Price.  
2-2 [Abigail Gregory] Service error. Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Brea Wash; Bianca Ihetu; Akayla Young; Taylor Hurst.  
3-2 [Brea Wash] Service ace (Abigail Gregory). Point DILLARD
4-2 [Brea Wash] Kill by Demari Drake (from Brea Wash), block error by Ariana Gentzler. Point DILLARD
5-2 [Brea Wash] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler (block by Demari Drake). Point DILLARD
6-2 [Brea Wash] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler. Point DILLARD
7-2 [Brea Wash] Attack error by Ana Muņiz Rocandio (block by Akayla Young; Kennede Jones). Point DILLARD
[Brea Wash] Kill by Ariana Gentzler (from Emma Leach). Point GOLDENB 7-3
[Ariana Gentzler] Attack error by Kennede Jones. Point GOLDENB 7-4
8-4 [Ariana Gentzler] Kill by Demari Drake (from Chloe Young). Point DILLARD
[Kennede Jones] Kill by Ana Muņiz Rocandio (from Emma Leach). Point GOLDENB 8-5
[Hanna Payne] Service ace (TEAM). Point GOLDENB 8-6
[Hanna Payne] Service ace (TEAM). Point GOLDENB 8-7
9-7 [Hanna Payne] Kill by Jada O'Mally (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Taylor Hurst; Akayla Young; Bianca Ihetu; Brea Wash.  
10-7 [Taylor Hurst] Kill by Demari Drake (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
[Taylor Hurst] Service error. Point GOLDENB 10-8
  GOLDENB subs: Samantha Price; Abigail Gregory.  
[Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Service ace (Codi Fillmore). Point GOLDENB 10-9
11-9 [Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Kill by Demari Drake (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
[Demari Drake] Service error. Point GOLDENB 11-10
  DILLARD subs: Mya Singleton; Demari Drake.  
[Valentina Abondano] Attack error by Taylor Hurst. Point GOLDENB 11-11
12-11 [Valentina Abondano] Kill by Codi Fillmore. Point DILLARD
13-11 [Chloe Young] Service ace (Ana Muņiz Rocandio). Point DILLARD
14-11 [Chloe Young] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler. Point DILLARD
15-11 [Chloe Young] Kill by Codi Fillmore (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
16-11 [Chloe Young] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler (block by Codi Fillmore; Kennede Jones). Point DILLARD
17-11 [Chloe Young] Attack error by Samantha Price (block by Bianca Ihetu; Kennede Jones). Point DILLARD
18-11 [Chloe Young] Attack error by Samantha Price (block by Bianca Ihetu). Point DILLARD
  Timeout West Va. Tech.  
19-11 [Chloe Young] Attack error by Samantha Price. Point DILLARD
20-11 [Chloe Young] Bad set by Hanna Payne. Point DILLARD
[Chloe Young] Kill by Samantha Price (from Emma Leach). Point GOLDENB 20-12
21-12 [Emma Leach] Attack error by Hanna Payne. Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Brea Wash; Bianca Ihetu; Akayla Young; Taylor Hurst.  
[Brea Wash] Service error. Point GOLDENB 21-13
  GOLDENB subs: Abigail Gregory; Samantha Price.  
  DILLARD subs: Bianca Ihetu; Brea Wash; Taylor Hurst; Akayla Young.  
[Abigail Gregory] Attack error by Kennede Jones (block by Ariana Gentzler). Point GOLDENB 21-14
22-14 [Abigail Gregory] Kill by Bianca Ihetu (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Demari Drake; Mya Singleton.  
  DILLARD subs: Brea Wash; Bianca Ihetu; Akayla Young; Taylor Hurst.  
23-14 [Brea Wash] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler. Point DILLARD
24-14 [Brea Wash] Kill by Demari Drake (from Chloe Young). Point DILLARD
25-14 [Brea Wash] Service ace (Valentina Abondano). Point DILLARD
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  GOLDENB starters: Co Maldonado Rivera; Samantha Price; Emma Leach; Al Cervera Sospedra; Ariana Gentzler; Ana Muņiz Rocandio; libero Valentina Abondano.  
  DILLARD starters: Codi Fillmore; Kennede Jones; Bianca Ihetu; Taylor Hurst; Jada O'Mally; Mya Singleton; libero Chloe Young.  
1-0 [Emma Leach] Kill by Bianca Ihetu (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Demari Drake; Mya Singleton.  
2-0 [Codi Fillmore] Kill by Kennede Jones (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
3-0 [Codi Fillmore] Kill by Bianca Ihetu. Point DILLARD
[Codi Fillmore] Service error. Point GOLDENB 3-1
  GOLDENB subs: Abigail Gregory; Samantha Price.  
[Abigail Gregory] Kill by Al Cervera Sospedra (from Emma Leach). Point GOLDENB 3-2
4-2 [Abigail Gregory] Service error. Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Akayla Young; Taylor Hurst; Brea Wash; Bianca Ihetu.  
[Brea Wash] Attack error by Akayla Young. Point GOLDENB 4-3
5-3 [Valentina Abondano] Service error. Point DILLARD
6-3 [Kennede Jones] Bad set by Emma Leach. Point DILLARD
[Kennede Jones] Attack error by Akayla Young. Point GOLDENB 6-4
  GOLDENB subs: Savanna McMillion; Emma Leach.  
  GOLDENB subs: Hanna Payne; Al Cervera Sospedra.  
7-4 [Hanna Payne] Attack error by Co Maldonado Rivera. Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Brooke Moore; Jada O'Mally.  
8-4 [Demari Drake] Attack error by Co Maldonado Rivera (block by Akayla Young; Brooke Moore). Point DILLARD
9-4 [Demari Drake] Attack error by Ana Muņiz Rocandio. Point DILLARD
10-4 [Demari Drake] Kill by Chloe Young (from Mya Singleton). Point DILLARD
[Demari Drake] Attack error by Codi Fillmore. Point GOLDENB 10-5
  GOLDENB subs: Samantha Price; Abigail Gregory.  
  DILLARD subs: Mya Singleton; Demari Drake.  
[Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Service ace (TEAM). Point GOLDENB 10-6
[Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Attack error by Codi Fillmore. Point GOLDENB 10-7
[Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Attack error by Codi Fillmore. Point GOLDENB 10-8
[Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Kill by Co Maldonado Rivera (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 10-9
11-9 [Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Kill by Chloe Young (from Akayla Young). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Bianca Ihetu; Brea Wash; Taylor Hurst; Akayla Young.  
12-9 [Taylor Hurst] Attack error by Samantha Price. Point DILLARD
[Taylor Hurst] Kill by Co Maldonado Rivera (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 12-10
13-10 [Co Maldonado Rivera] Kill by Bianca Ihetu. Point DILLARD
14-10 [Chloe Young] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler. Point DILLARD
[Chloe Young] Kill by Samantha Price (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 14-11
  GOLDENB subs: Al Cervera Sospedra; Hanna Payne; Emma Leach; Savanna McMillion.  
15-11 [Emma Leach] Kill by Codi Fillmore (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Demari Drake; Mya Singleton.  
16-11 [Codi Fillmore] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler. Point DILLARD
17-11 [Codi Fillmore] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler (block by Bianca Ihetu; Kennede Jones). Point DILLARD
18-11 [Codi Fillmore] Kill by Bianca Ihetu. Point DILLARD
19-11 [Codi Fillmore] Kill by Taylor Hurst. Point DILLARD
  Timeout West Va. Tech.  
  DILLARD subs: Ki'Avian Johnson; Kennede Jones.  
[Codi Fillmore] Kill by Al Cervera Sospedra (from Emma Leach). Point GOLDENB 19-12
  GOLDENB subs: Abigail Gregory; Samantha Price.  
[Abigail Gregory] Attack error by Demari Drake (block by Ariana Gentzler; Al Cervera Sospedra). Point GOLDENB 19-13
[Abigail Gregory] Kill by Ariana Gentzler. Point GOLDENB 19-14
[Abigail Gregory] Service ace (TEAM). Point GOLDENB 19-15
20-15 [Abigail Gregory] Attack error by Emma Leach. Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Brea Wash; Bianca Ihetu; Akayla Young; Taylor Hurst.  
21-15 [Brea Wash] Attack error by Ana Muņiz Rocandio (block by Akayla Young; Ki'Avian Johnson). Point DILLARD
[Brea Wash] Kill by Ana Muņiz Rocandio (from Emma Leach). Point GOLDENB 21-16
22-16 [Valentina Abondano] Kill by Demari Drake (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
[Ki'Avian Johnson] Kill by Co Maldonado Rivera (from Emma Leach). Point GOLDENB 22-17
  GOLDENB subs: Savanna McMillion; Emma Leach; Hanna Payne; Al Cervera Sospedra.  
[Hanna Payne] Attack error by Codi Fillmore. Point GOLDENB 22-18
23-18 [Hanna Payne] Kill by Demari Drake (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
[Demari Drake] Kill by Co Maldonado Rivera (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 23-19
  DILLARD subs: Mya Singleton; Demari Drake.  
  GOLDENB subs: Samantha Price; Abigail Gregory.  
24-19 [Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Service error. Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Bianca Ihetu; Brea Wash; Taylor Hurst; Akayla Young.  
25-19 [Taylor Hurst] Kill by Bianca Ihetu. Point DILLARD
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  GOLDENB starters: Samantha Price; Ana Muņiz Rocandio; Hanna Payne; Savanna McMillion; Co Maldonado Rivera; Ariana Gentzler; libero Valentina Abondano.  
  DILLARD starters: Mya Singleton; Kennede Jones; Taylor Hurst; Jada O'Mally; Bianca Ihetu; Codi Fillmore; libero Chloe Young.  
[Taylor Hurst] Kill by Co Maldonado Rivera (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 0-1
  GOLDENB subs: Emma Leach; Savanna McMillion; Al Cervera Sospedra; Hanna Payne.  
1-1 [Emma Leach] Kill by Codi Fillmore (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Demari Drake; Mya Singleton.  
2-1 [Codi Fillmore] Attack error by Co Maldonado Rivera (block by Bianca Ihetu; Kennede Jones). Point DILLARD
3-1 [Codi Fillmore] Service ace (Ana Muņiz Rocandio). Point DILLARD
4-1 [Codi Fillmore] Attack error by Al Cervera Sospedra (block by Bianca Ihetu; Kennede Jones). Point DILLARD
[Codi Fillmore] Service error. Point GOLDENB 4-2
  GOLDENB subs: Abigail Gregory; Samantha Price.  
[Abigail Gregory] Attack error by Kennede Jones. Point GOLDENB 4-3
5-3 [Abigail Gregory] Attack error by Al Cervera Sospedra. Point DILLARD
6-3 [Kennede Jones] Attack error by Ana Muņiz Rocandio (block by Bianca Ihetu; Jada O'Mally). Point DILLARD
7-3 [Kennede Jones] Kill by Demari Drake. Point DILLARD
8-3 [Kennede Jones] Kill by Demari Drake. Point DILLARD
9-3 [Kennede Jones] Ball handling error by Emma Leach. Point DILLARD
[Kennede Jones] Service error. Point GOLDENB 9-4
10-4 [Valentina Abondano] Kill by Demari Drake (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Brea Wash; Bianca Ihetu; Akayla Young; Taylor Hurst.  
[Brea Wash] Attack error by Codi Fillmore. Point GOLDENB 10-5
  GOLDENB subs: Savanna McMillion; Emma Leach; Hanna Payne; Al Cervera Sospedra.  
[Hanna Payne] Service ace (TEAM). Point GOLDENB 10-6
[Hanna Payne] Service ace (TEAM). Point GOLDENB 10-7
[Hanna Payne] Attack error by Codi Fillmore. Point GOLDENB 10-8
[Hanna Payne] Kill by Ariana Gentzler (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 10-9
11-9 [Hanna Payne] Service error. Point DILLARD
12-9 [Demari Drake] Service ace (TEAM). Point DILLARD
[Demari Drake] Kill by Ariana Gentzler (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 12-10
  GOLDENB subs: Samantha Price; Abigail Gregory.  
  DILLARD subs: Mya Singleton; Demari Drake.  
[Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Kill by Savanna McMillion (from Ana Muņiz Rocandio). Point GOLDENB 12-11
13-11 [Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Kill by Akayla Young (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
[Chloe Young] Attack error by Kennede Jones (block by Samantha Price; Ariana Gentzler). Point GOLDENB 13-12
[Ariana Gentzler] Attack error by Akayla Young. Point GOLDENB 13-13
[Ariana Gentzler] Attack error by Mya Singleton. Point GOLDENB 13-14
  Timeout Dillard.  
14-14 [Ariana Gentzler] Kill by Kennede Jones (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Taylor Hurst; Akayla Young; Bianca Ihetu; Brea Wash.  
15-14 [Taylor Hurst] Service ace (Hanna Payne). Point DILLARD
[Taylor Hurst] Kill by Samantha Price (from Savanna McMillion), block error by Kennede Jones. Point GOLDENB 15-15
16-15 [Emma Leach] Kill by Codi Fillmore (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Demari Drake; Mya Singleton.  
17-15 [Codi Fillmore] Attack error by Co Maldonado Rivera. Point DILLARD
[Codi Fillmore] Kill by Samantha Price (from Emma Leach). Point GOLDENB 17-16
  GOLDENB subs: Abigail Gregory; Samantha Price.  
[Abigail Gregory] Attack error by Demari Drake. Point GOLDENB 17-17
18-17 [Abigail Gregory] Service error. Point DILLARD
[Kennede Jones] Kill by Co Maldonado Rivera. Point GOLDENB 18-18
[Valentina Abondano] Attack error by Bianca Ihetu (block by Ana Muņiz Rocandio; Ariana Gentzler). Point GOLDENB 18-19
19-19 [Valentina Abondano] Kill by Taylor Hurst (from Chloe Young). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Brea Wash; Bianca Ihetu; Akayla Young; Taylor Hurst.  
[Brea Wash] Kill by Al Cervera Sospedra (from Valentina Abondano). Point GOLDENB 19-20
  GOLDENB subs: Savanna McMillion; Emma Leach; Hanna Payne; Al Cervera Sospedra.  
[Hanna Payne] Kill by Ariana Gentzler (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 19-21
[Hanna Payne] Service ace (Demari Drake). Point GOLDENB 19-22
  DILLARD subs: Taylor Hurst; Akayla Young.  
[Hanna Payne] Kill by Ana Muņiz Rocandio (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 19-23
  Timeout Dillard.  
20-23 [Hanna Payne] Kill by Demari Drake (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
21-23 [Demari Drake] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler. Point DILLARD
[Demari Drake] Attack error by Codi Fillmore. Point GOLDENB 21-24
  GOLDENB subs: Samantha Price; Abigail Gregory.  
  DILLARD subs: Mya Singleton; Demari Drake.  
[Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Attack error by Codi Fillmore. Point GOLDENB 21-25
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  GOLDENB starters: Samantha Price; Emma Leach; Co Maldonado Rivera; Ana Muņiz Rocandio; Ariana Gentzler; Al Cervera Sospedra; libero Valentina Abondano.  
  DILLARD starters: Kennede Jones; Bianca Ihetu; Taylor Hurst; Mya Singleton; Codi Fillmore; Jada O'Mally; libero Chloe Young.  
[Emma Leach] Attack error by Kennede Jones. Point GOLDENB 0-1
[Emma Leach] Kill by Co Maldonado Rivera. Point GOLDENB 0-2
1-2 [Emma Leach] Kill by Codi Fillmore (from Chloe Young). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Demari Drake; Mya Singleton.  
2-2 [Codi Fillmore] Kill by Demari Drake (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
3-2 [Codi Fillmore] Attack error by Samantha Price. Point DILLARD
4-2 [Codi Fillmore] Kill by Bianca Ihetu. Point DILLARD
5-2 [Codi Fillmore] Kill by Bianca Ihetu (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
6-2 [Codi Fillmore] Kill by Kennede Jones. Point DILLARD
7-2 [Codi Fillmore] Attack error by Samantha Price. Point DILLARD
  GOLDENB subs: Savanna McMillion; Emma Leach.  
[Codi Fillmore] Service error. Point GOLDENB 7-3
  GOLDENB subs: Abigail Gregory; Samantha Price.  
[Abigail Gregory] Attack error by Kennede Jones. Point GOLDENB 7-4
8-4 [Abigail Gregory] Bad set by Al Cervera Sospedra. Point DILLARD
[Kennede Jones] Kill by Al Cervera Sospedra (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 8-5
9-5 [Co Maldonado Rivera] Kill by Bianca Ihetu (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Brea Wash; Bianca Ihetu; Akayla Young; Taylor Hurst.  
10-5 [Brea Wash] Kill by Jada O'Mally (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
[Brea Wash] Bad set by Chloe Young. Point GOLDENB 10-6
  GOLDENB subs: Hanna Payne; Al Cervera Sospedra.  
11-6 [Hanna Payne] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler. Point DILLARD
12-6 [Demari Drake] Kill by Codi Fillmore (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
[Demari Drake] Kill by Ariana Gentzler (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 12-7
  GOLDENB subs: Samantha Price; Abigail Gregory.  
  DILLARD subs: Mya Singleton; Demari Drake.  
13-7 [Ana Muņiz Rocandio] Kill by Mya Singleton (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
14-7 [Chloe Young] Kill by Kennede Jones (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
[Chloe Young] Service error. Point GOLDENB 14-8
15-8 [Valentina Abondano] Kill by Kennede Jones (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Taylor Hurst; Akayla Young; Bianca Ihetu; Brea Wash.  
16-8 [Taylor Hurst] Kill by Kennede Jones (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
[Taylor Hurst] Kill by Co Maldonado Rivera (from Savanna McMillion). Point GOLDENB 16-9
  GOLDENB subs: Emma Leach; Savanna McMillion; Al Cervera Sospedra; Hanna Payne.  
17-9 [Emma Leach] Service error. Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Demari Drake; Mya Singleton.  
  Timeout West Va. Tech.  
[Codi Fillmore] Kill by Co Maldonado Rivera (from Emma Leach). Point GOLDENB 17-10
  GOLDENB subs: Abigail Gregory; Samantha Price.  
18-10 [Abigail Gregory] Kill by Kennede Jones (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
[Kennede Jones] Service error. Point GOLDENB 18-11
[Co Maldonado Rivera] Bad set by Taylor Hurst. Point GOLDENB 18-12
19-12 [Co Maldonado Rivera] Kill by Codi Fillmore (from Taylor Hurst). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Brea Wash; Bianca Ihetu; Akayla Young; Taylor Hurst.  
20-12 [Brea Wash] Kill by Akayla Young (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
  DILLARD subs: Ki'Avian Johnson; Jada O'Mally.  
21-12 [Brea Wash] Attack error by Ana Muņiz Rocandio. Point DILLARD
22-12 [Brea Wash] Attack error by Ariana Gentzler (block by Akayla Young; Ki'Avian Johnson). Point DILLARD
[Brea Wash] Attack error by Ki'Avian Johnson. Point GOLDENB 22-13
  GOLDENB subs: Savanna McMillion; Emma Leach; Hanna Payne; Al Cervera Sospedra.  
  Timeout Dillard.  
23-13 [Hanna Payne] Kill by Demari Drake (from Bianca Ihetu). Point DILLARD
24-13 [Demari Drake] Attack error by Ana Muņiz Rocandio (block by Ki'Avian Johnson; Akayla Young). Point DILLARD
25-13 [Demari Drake] Kill by Akayla Young (from Brea Wash). Point DILLARD
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