Hurricane Preparedness
1. The President authorizes the declaration of an emergency and immediately begins evacuation procedures once a tropical storm/hurricane reaches the Gulf of Mexico as a Category 3 Hurricane and the directional vector points north.
2. Athletic Director will notify all department staff of President's decision to evacuate.
3. Athletic Department Staff members will notify all scholar-athletes and begin process for evacuating.
4. All students with cars must provide coach with phone number and location of their evacuation.
5. Students who will be evacuating with the school will need to gather their belongings and take them to the Cook Center for further instructions.
6. Students and chaperones will evacuate to Centenary College in Shreveport, LA on buses contracted by the University
7. Designated staff will evacuate to Dallas, TX and Shreveport, LA at hotel sites reserved in advance.
8. Scholar-athletes who do not evacuate to Centenary on the bus will be expected to relocate to Centenary at a designated time specified by the Athletics Director.